Mission, Vision & Values
Our Mission Statement
Through local networks of mutual support, we will work with people in their neighbourhoods to deliver the support they require to live independently in their own homes, and to contribute to their communities.
Our Vision
Our network Members are connected to their communities, sharing their skills and talents and following their dreams – together anything is possible.
Our Values
The Vision and Mission of Neighbourhood Networks is underpinned by the following set of Values:
1. Everyone is different and we should all be respected and encouraged to be all we can be
2. Everyone should be encouraged to strive towards their dreams and goals
3. Everyone should have the opportunity, encouragement, support and training to be actively involved in the development of the organisation
4. There should be a healthy balance between responsibility and having time to enjoy life
5. Sharing skills and gifts makes us stronger and more confident
6. Giving and receiving support is important to help us grow
7. We can all be involved in making where we live, work and socialise a better place
8. We feel safer when we have positive, equal relationships with others and this is important to feeling we belong